Gotham is the story before Bruce Wayne becoming the caped crusader. Opening the show with panning shots of Gotham the show flies off with a more in depth feel of how Bruce Wayne's family was murdered and Jim Gordon was introduced. Selina Kyle aka Catwoman being on top of the building witnessing the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne was an interesting take, why she is purring around Wayne manor in the show is beyond me but I am sure they will get into that later. With Jim Gordon letting young Bruce Wayne know he will find the man that did this terrible tragedy, we are introduced to Alfred Pennyworth, the english butler in the Wayne family. In the show he seems to be a more rustic butler. I was thrown off by this but then I remembered reading Batman: Year One, Alfred took a big part in training young Bruce Wayne since Alfred was ex military so I like the route this is going. From there the show just seems like a good cop bad cop routine (yes I thought of Heath Ledger after typing that) between Jim Gordon and his dirty partner Harvey Bullock. While watching I found in some parts the dialogue felt like terrible one liners you would try on a girl. Keeping in mind this is the first episode pilot and 75% of TV shows start out edgy, however this is Batman and should be taken seriously. Staying on the negative topics, some of the shots used were not very well planned out. A couple shots looked liked extreme close ups used with a GoPro camera and had no purpose.

With my negative criticism aside, the writers did get creative in the character development. With Gordon and Bullock on the case, Gotham Police Department evidence room worker kept spitting out riddles about the bullet and gun used, Bullock then says quiet Nygma, which hints that being Edward Nygma "The Riddler." As Gordon and Bullock continue on we see a little girl enjoying plants named "Ivy" who's dad is framed for the murder of the Wayne's cause the pearl necklace of Martha's was planted into his house. Fish Mooney is a new character that has Oswald Cobblepot as her assistant who we know as "Penguin". Oswald is my favorite character in this because his acting is creepy and haunting yet he does it with class. Keeping to the character, Oswald tells the team of Carmine Falcone (classic character who runs Gotham in a mob fashion) that the pearls were planted. Fish Mooney finding out beats up Oswald causing him to have his classic penguin limp. The show boils down with Bullock making Gordon put a bullet into Oswalds head and having him fall into sea. Bullock wants nothing to do with the Mooney/Falcone battle and thats the reason he makes Gordon do it. Gordon then whispers into Oswalds ear "Don't come back to Gotham," fires a bullet by his head and shoves him into the sea.
Aside from the dialogue needing much work and some of the shots adjusted, this is a great show for comic book lovers or just fans of the Dark Knight. While watching keep your eyes open for hidden pieces that connect with the Batman story. For example, the picture up above and how the bodies are laid out resemble a bat, coincidence?
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