Nerd's Rejoice! Hoverboards are Here!
Hendo corporation has launched a Kickstarter campaign for an actual, working Hoverboard. This is real people!
From the Kickstarter campaign, you can read a statement for Hendo:
So where does the HENDO hoverboard stand today? Well, about 1 inch off the ground. As you can see from the video above, the prototype is real and it works! But to see it hover in person, and better yet, to defy gravity by riding it, is something you need to experience as well.
With the support of the Kickstarter community, we all can. We need your help to put the finishing touches on the Hendo Hoverboard, to help us produce them, and to create places to ride them.
Looks like if everything goes to plan, we'll have that hoverboard just in time for the date that Marty McFly travels to in Back to the Future II.

As you may have seen, there are redundant hoaxes that have occured on social media, touting "this day" (whatever the day was at the time) as the date that Marty McFly travels to in the future. But, we still aren't there yet. The actual date is one year from today. And it looks like Hendo is in the business of making dreams come true. I doubt they will have any trouble getting funding for a project like this.
Apparently, there are some pretty serious limitations to the Hendo Hoverboard. The original design was meant to help save buildings from earthquakes. If you consider how that technology works, then you can imagine how limited this version of our coveted hoverboard will be. That being said, in the hands of some of the skateboarding and snowboarding greats, who knows what they might be able to pull off!
Luckily, with the future just around the corner, our fashion sense is MUCH better than they were expecting in that 80's influenced flick.

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