All the Groundbreaking News from Marvel's October 28th Event:

Marvel Studios went REALLY BIG today with a huge announcement of every movie slated for the MCU through 2019.

Captain America 3 will be released May 6, 2016. The crowd was faked out at first by a false subtitle: Serpent Society. Beware! Some websites are still reporting this as the official subtitle. Rest assured, the real subtitle is Civil War. Later in the press Q & A, Kevin Feige elaborated on what Civil War will be for the MCU.
"Civil War [is the] Civil War of the cinematic universe, which will be greatly inspired by the Civil War of the comic universe, but we have very different continuity there... This will be the Civil War based off of all the other films that you’ve seen up to this point, particularly Winter Soldier and particularly Age of Ultron.”
For those wondering how the Civil War story line is going to work in the MCU with so many missing factors from the comics, Feige gave us a vague idea:
"I don’t want to give too much away, but needless to say, the generalities of the act are the same. Something happens, perhaps it’s cumulative for things that have happened though all of the movies leading up to this point. It has made the governments of the world say 'we need to have some oversight of these guys. They need to report to somebody.' So it becomes more… it falls under that umbrella, rather than 'you have to take off your mask.' It’s not about the secret identity thing, as much as it is about, overall, who reports to who, and who can agree to oversight committee. Because as of now, in Avengers 2, there is no more security council, there is no SHIELD, obviously. Stark is paying for it, Captain America is running it, and things occur that will make governments begin to question."

November 4, 2016 will be Doctor Strange. Scott Derrickson will be directing. No casting announcements about Dr. Strange today surprisingly. Feige later says that casting has not been confirmed or they would have announced it today.

May 5, 2017...the untitled Guardians of the Galaxy sequel! Unfortunately, there's not a whole lot more to report on this one except that the studio has moved the date up a couple of months from the previously announced date of July 28, 2017.

July 28, 2017 - THOR: Ragnarok! Feige explains "Ragnarok means 'The end of all things'"

November 3, 2017...Black Panther! CROWD GOES CRAZY, Chadwick Boseman announced as Black Panther.

July 6, 2018...CAPTAIN MARVEL! This is pretty exciting news. Feige confirmed that this Captain Marvel will be Carol Danvers. Carol Corps rejoice!

November 2, 2018...THE INHUMANS

AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part 1, May 4, 2018 and Avengers: Infinity War, Part 2, May 3, 2019
Apparently, Dan Slott is a Twitter troll as he tweeted this ahead of the event:
Set your watch. Your next Spider-Man related freak out is on the way... :-O
— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) October 28, 2014
There was MUCH speculation that Marvel would make an announcement concerning Spidey's movie rights. But, alas, there was no such luck this time around. The only response Feige gave to all the rumors was pretty much a non-answer:
“Anything that wasn’t specifically and obviously revealed today is either not true at all, or still rumor until it’s worked out,”
In fact, for as much great news as we got, there were quite a few missing pieces. We didn't get any confirmation on the casting of Dr. Strange and there was zero new info on Ant-Man either. As for all the open space in 2019 (and beyond) Feige had this to say:
“If there are more years after 2019, there are more movies after 2019,”
Fuck Ant Man right in his goat ass.